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Our Commitment
We take custom orders from wholesale buyers. At Kolka, we are committed towards getting you, our customers, the most comfortable, durable, stylish and luxury handmade home-ware products which that you can proudly own and love forever. We thank you for buying our products and contributing towards preserving an ancestral heritage of hand block printing and weaving.

Interior Decoration Services
We provide interior decoration services too across Melbourne. Our mission is to provide clients with the best designs at an affordable budget. Everyone deserves a beautiful space. If you are selling or want to style up your own abode, see Contact Us page

Reach Us

Dora Deka Saikia (left) – Director | Mobile – 0452 643 939
Jenie Saikia (right) – Director | Mobile  - 0400 600 007

FACEBOOK - @kolkaliving
INSTAGRAM - @kolkaliving

Melbourne Founded & Designed

Our Hours

Mon - Sat, 8am - 6pm


Melbourne, Australia